Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Conversations & Jams

Ellen is one of Kayden's favorites - as in Ellen DeGeneres. He isn't taking a nap today (because he woke up at 10a!) so he gets to stay up and watch Ellen with me. He loves this show but never gets to watch due to that pesky nap.

He was waiting in anticipation as the show before ended and Ellen started. It finally started and this conversation ensued:

Me: Ellen's on.
Kayden: Her dance? (he doesn't have the "her" vs "she" grammar down yet)
Me: Not yet. She likes to dance, huh?
Kayden: Like Kayden!

He's not kidding - this kid LOVES to dance! He knows how to shake his little booty, jump, and twirl/spin. He hears a good "jam" and gets his groove on pretty quick.

Thanks to his father, his "jams" now consist of kid friendly songs such as:

Lady Gaga's "Just Dance"
TI's "Whatever You Like"
Justin Timberlake - I don't even know what song(s)

That's all I can think of. But given all that, his all time favorite song is "Book of Mormon Stories". Whew! At least he's a somewhat normal 2 year old...right?

1 comment:

  1. Remind me to tell you about Steve's feelings on Lady Gaga. Oliver gets a lot of emo music and then some rap, too. He's ok...except for the not talking. And the aversion to foods that aren't dry and crunchy.

    Oh no. Maybe it was the Damien Rice!!!!
