Monday, February 9, 2009


Not QT the gas station, but just a quick trip up to St. Louis to see my sister and her family. Todd heard of this museum up there called The Magic House made for kids that just has tons and tons of stuff in it. He wanted to take Kayden up before baby #2 came, so we decided to go up over the weekend. It was a lot of fun and the kids loved it! My camera battery died, so I only got a few pics. But it's a great place for kids to learn and get their hands in things. They have science, government, practical learning (grocery store, playhouse, bank, etc), math, slides, mystery solving, and tons of other things. We were so tired by the end of it. If you're ever up there and have young kids, it's definitely a place to look in to.

Kayden saying "Cheese!" as he takes a break from being a cobbler. He had fun with that hammer.

This is a pic of this huge "plant" where the kids can climb up and down it to get up/down to the different floors. It was really cool. Had they allowed adults to climb it, I would have been all over that! And parents, dont' fret. There is a huge wire mesh around the entire thing to ensure there are no accidents. And, everything looked to be secured really well. I mean, there were tons of kids all over this thing and it didn't move - at all. This picture doesn't do it justice.

This is my niece, Emma, and her dad. It was pretty cool to actually let the kids get in there to pull a bubble around them. Emma didn't really know what was going on until the bubble popped.

Kayden playing witht he bubbles. He loved it and even made some domes!

This was pretty cool - just a huge kaleidoscope. It faced an open window with tons of sunlight, so it worked really well. My sister and her other daughter, Maren, were on the other side spinning while Todd holds Kayden to take a peek. Really pretty and really cool.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pitter Patter

This pic really has nothing to do with the post, but I just thought it was a good one - Kayden loves to say "Cheese!".

I'm working from home today and kept Kayden with me. I put him down for his nap, but all I hear is him running in his room upstairs. I'm sure he's playing with his radio or something.....but definitely not sleeping. Maybe all the running will wear him out enough that he'll decide to close his squinty little eyes and fall asleep.

As I write this, I can him talking. I don't know who he's talking to or what he's saying, but apparently, it's important and crucial to his running. Maybe it helps him run faster, who knows? He's a nut.......and I sure love him!