Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A day of fun

Here at work we have a day of just team building. We've been trying to get this planned for a couple weeks now and it all just came together on Monday (our team day was on Tuesday.....we're procrastinators). In the end, we decided to go ziplining. I have never been and didn't even know think this would be something available here in TX, but after some research, found that this does in fact exist here.

It was so much fun! I was very hesitant at first....after getting up to the first line. I took a deep breath, let my feet go beneath me and off I went. What a BLAST!!!!

We all had a wonderful time and I think really built our team (as we all were very supportive of each other- to get each other to go). But, by the end of it all we were exhausted. It was all worth it.

If you're considering this, check out ziptheusa in Canton, TX. They also said they're adding another line soon to zipline over a man made lake (to be built in the future), night ziplining, and a Zorbe coming next summer. I can't wait for the Zorbe!

Monday, August 10, 2009


....for a couple hours at least.

Since having Bryce, I don't really get time to myself. Granted, I expected this, but it doesn't hurt to wish/hope for it, does it??

Well, my time FINALLY came on Saturday when I was able to go out to lunch with a high school friend. (I had the boys and went grocery shopping that morning with them while Todd was at a service project. I was really looking forward to lunch by the time I was done with it all.) I was kid-less and husband-less. Not that I don't love them dearly - because I do!! - but it's nice to just get out with no one in tow and relax/unwind/enjoy the time/be free and independent. It was so enjoyable. I was only gone a couple hours, but hey, that's a couple more hours than none at all, so I'll take it!

Well, I guess I had my alone time so Todd wanted some of his own. He ended up going out to the 10p showing of GI Joe, which sucked, according to him.

While I was gone, the kids were asleep - so not too much work there for Todd. When Todd left, both boys were still awake and showed no signs of fatigue. So, I put in Monsters, Inc. for Kayden because he's been wanting to watch it. Then popped some popcorn for us and sat down with Bryce and Kayden and vegged. Kayden watched the whole thing from start to finish without losing interest. That doesn't happen very often, but I think it was because this was the 1st time he saw it.

Anyway - it was a nice, little, sort of family night. Then, the movie ended so I put Kayden to bed and then fed Bryce and put him down. Once everyone else was taken care of, I quickly got ready and hopped in bed. I was pooped and not feeling so great, so the nice, comfy bed was very welcomed.

All in all, the freedom was nice, but family is the best!!! (Although, I still want some tastes of freedom from time to time.)

For the love of Pete!

Kayden's new thing the past couple days has been "Why?" To every answer we give him is his question of "Why?"

One such conversation with his 13 year old aunt:
I forget what the topic was, but she have him the answer, then this ensued.
Kayden: Why?
Aunt: Because
Kayden: Why?
Aunt: Because
Kayden: Why?
Aunt: Because
Kayden: Why?
Aunt: Because
Kayden: Oh!!! Okay.
End of conversation.

I asked him last night where he learned this. His response, "I don't know." Great. Well, whoever taught him this, BEWARE!!!! This is quickly growing old and once I find out who you are, I'll be after you to make your life as inquisitive as mine! Unless he learned this from TV, then I'm just out of luck.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Everyone's doing it

Not that!....Couponing. The noun has now become a verb. Who knew?!

I've been doing it for a little bit and am slowly getting the hang of it. It just takes time, and I don't have much of that these days. But, since I want to save my family some moolah, I make the time.

A coworker of mine's wife got me started (A Frugal Friend - see my button for her on the right). She started doing this to save money while she stays home with her little one. Now, she's really good at it and is getting to be very well known in the coupon blogging world. Since she is so skilled and knows how important it is to save money in this day and age, she is kind enough to share her knowledge with us through her blog.

Through my experiences, I've come to learn that couponing is pretty fun, in a weird way. I will say, there is some sense of gratification when you walk out of that store with $75 worth of groceries and you only paid $30 or $40 for it.

Now, when I go out, I hate paying for anything full price because I forgot my coupons. I'm still perfecting my system and knowing when to use coupons, but I think I'm getting there.

I'm trying out a new thing called They have a free 4 week trial going on right now to see if it's something that works for you. I just started it today, so we'll see how this works. Hey, it's free, so why not give it a try? 4 weeks should be plenty to allow you to figure out if this will work for you or not.

Wish me luck and I continue in my coupon experience. Have you thought about beginning yours?

Monday, August 3, 2009

I can't leave him alone for one minute!

...but that's a good thing. Bryce is growing and changing day by day. Since about 2 1/2 to 3 months, he's been able to roll from him back to his stomach. He doesn't enjoy tummy time, but we get a little bit in there every day. Last night, we were on the ground and he was on his stomach and he rolled from his stomach to his back for for the first time...and did it again today. So, he's learning. Being able to roll now means I really can't leave him alone.
It's so great to see him grow though. He's smiling, laughing, talking, and kicking (he's kicking me right now, in fact).
I do have some updated pics, but I haven't downloaded/uploaded them yet. I'll get those up for you to see.
Also, Kayden is enjoying being a big brother. Whenever Bryce is crying, Kayden is the first to run over there to console him: "Ricey, Ricey" (said in a very calming voice and patting him on the tummy). It's great.
On a side note, I have some updated pics of Kayden, too. He and Todd were outside I'll get those up, too.
In the mean time, it's one eye on Bryce at all time, now! How time flies!!