Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A first for everything

Yesterday's first was Kayden's first dentist appointment. I have been trying to get him in to the dentist since the beginning of March, and finally made it in yesterday. Part of the delay was just due to the busy schedule of the dentist, as she's been recommended by many others, but also Kayden has gotten sick, so I've had to reschedule a couple times.

Considering, Kayden did really well. They cleaned his teeth and did x-rays. He cried, but I think it was moreso that he was scared and scared that he was going to get shots. I can see how he would think that, b/c the dentist often does have a Dr. sort of feel and he has had to get way too many shots in his lifetime with the Dr.

As it turns out, which is why I wanted to get him in ASAP, he has 2 cavities. 1 is really small and will just be a quick filling. The other may not be as quick. Based on the xrays, they say it is lying right on top of the nerve. Because the xrays are only 2d, they cannot tell if it is actually in the nerve. In the event it is, then they'll have to do a "baby root canal" is what they called it. They'll just go in, do a little more invasive work on the cavity, shoot medicine down the nerves so it gets in the root of this baby tooth and down to his permanent tooth, and call it a day. The only thing is that to do all this, they'll give him nitrous oxide, demerol, and a nausea drug (phenegrine or something). It's probably best b/c it makes it easier for them to do this work, otherwise, Kayden would not allow them to do any of this. It's just sad to think that my poor little boy has to have all this done and will be drugged up.

This doesn't happen till June because I'm due next week and the the dentist didn't want to cause any undue stress for me or the baby. I'm not looking forward to this day, but it needs to be done. The positive in all this - at least Kayden isn't complaining that his teeth bother him. He's acting just fine and is doing great.

Just FYI - they said the cavity probably came from him eating fruit snacks. I can understand why because the chewy snack just gets stuck in teeth and the sugar will just sit there and eat away. Instead of fruit snacks, they suggested to just give him chocoloates - M&M's, specifically, because then the chocolate will just dissolve. I should have thought of that, but it just didn't occur to me for some reason. At least I know for baby #2....and for Kayden.

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