Monday, June 14, 2010


photo via here

What is it about this product that has such a hold on me? Prior to Kayden, I was doing so good. No caffeine but even better, no carbonation. Also mixed in there was no fried foods. By my standards, I was doing REALLY well. Along comes Kayden and it all went out the door. Nearly 4 years later and I'm still battling my love of DP.

About 3 weeks ago I decided to give it up (shiver) - cold turkey. Surprisingly, it's not as hard as I thought it would be, but sometimes I just feel the need for a DP. Or, a DP is just necessary to round out the meal, but alas, I cannot.

Today, I fell off the bandwagon. (Hello, my name is Leslie Anderson and I'm a DP-aholic). It was a valid reason though (a headache that wouldn't go away even with 3 Advil, which I usually don't take, and I needed to function for work) and now I am once again on the bandwagon. But let me tell you, today's DP was HEAVENLY. I have no idea why it draws me in and calls to me, but it does. As Todd puts it, it's the nectar of the gods.....and it's oh so good. Those 23 flavors are deeeeelightful.


  1. Hahahahaha!!! This post cracked me up! You DP adict you. Tisk, tisk!

  2. Evan loves it too! I think it's too sweet...oh you are so funny!

  3. The first step is admitting you have a problem. ;) I <3 my Dublin DP and various other junk foods! It's ok (in moderation). :D
