Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A month of birthdays

April.  You mention that in our house and we all get worn out.  It's a good thing though.  April is just a busy birthday month in the Anderson family.  And with Baby #2 coming, it's going to be one more to add in.
April starts on the 8th with my sister in law's birthday, the 13th with my younger sister in law's birthday, the 18th with Todd's and my Dad's birthdays (yes, on the same day!), then now Baby #2 is set for the 23rd (just set today and so nice to know that I finally have a date set to deliver).  So, every 5 days we're celebrating - at least, we're supposed to.  We've started to just combine birthdays now to make it easier on everyone because we get celebrated and caked out.  Although, cake sounds really good right now.  It's just hard to think of that many gifts in one month.  (And my father in law's birthday is at the end of March, so all the mayhem really starts in March and will not continue through the end of April).  
So, we better get crackin' on getting birthday ideas going.  If you have any gift ideas you'd like to share, please do.  I won't decline.  
Happy birthday month to us.

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