Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I just realized that I haven't posted any pics of Bryce up here. I did on Facebook, but completely forgot about the blog. Sorry!

So here are a few.

Monday, May 18, 2009


I feel like a slacker these days. My body feels as though I'm not getting enough sleep but my mind thinks I'm getting too much sleep.

The skinny - Bryce and Kayden have not been cooperating these past couple days in regards to their sleep habits. So, I've been up and have been sleeping during the day. I'm usually up and at 'em in the afternoon. Mornings are a little difficult. I feel bad for Kayden b/c he has to entertain himself while I'm zonked (although I fade in and out enought know if he's getting in trouble). I'm sure this is just temporary, but they both need to get it together so I can get it together. (I say that with the most love possible)

Other than that, things are still good. Bryce is growing and eats constantly, or so it seems. Kayden is doing really well with him. We love to see them both grow and change. It's a lot of fun, even when things are crazy.

Hopefully, I won't be a slacker much longer. I think I just need to get a better schedule going for me or something. I'll figure something out. In the mean time, I'm in slacker limbo mode.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Conversations & Jams

Ellen is one of Kayden's favorites - as in Ellen DeGeneres. He isn't taking a nap today (because he woke up at 10a!) so he gets to stay up and watch Ellen with me. He loves this show but never gets to watch due to that pesky nap.

He was waiting in anticipation as the show before ended and Ellen started. It finally started and this conversation ensued:

Me: Ellen's on.
Kayden: Her dance? (he doesn't have the "her" vs "she" grammar down yet)
Me: Not yet. She likes to dance, huh?
Kayden: Like Kayden!

He's not kidding - this kid LOVES to dance! He knows how to shake his little booty, jump, and twirl/spin. He hears a good "jam" and gets his groove on pretty quick.

Thanks to his father, his "jams" now consist of kid friendly songs such as:

Lady Gaga's "Just Dance"
TI's "Whatever You Like"
Justin Timberlake - I don't even know what song(s)

That's all I can think of. But given all that, his all time favorite song is "Book of Mormon Stories". Whew! At least he's a somewhat normal 2 year old...right?

Sunday, May 3, 2009


It's been a week and 3 days that we've had the newest addition. I would say that's enough time to get somewhat adjusted and get used to the little guy. He's doing great, as are we. He's a great sleeper - for the most part. I know as soon as I say this things will change - I've just cursed myself. Hopefully, not, but that's just my luck.
It's amazing how different kids can be. It's not a bad thing, and it's not that Kayden was/is a horrible kid, they're just different. Kayden loved keeping us up at all hours of the night for hours on end. He never really liked to sleep - he did, but not a ton - and he was not as laid back as we thought he was.
Bryce, on the other hand. He's a GREAT sleeper. Nothing wakes this guy up, granted, he's still new to the world and used to the noise in the womb, but he's a pretty solid sleeper. That makes it fun for feedings (okay, not really). He's not a cryer, unless he's hungry.
We'll see how things changes as the weeks go on though. Hopefully, we'll get him on a good schedule and get him sleeping through the night MUCH earlier than Kayden (he was more at 8-9 months before that happened. Life pretty much sucked during that time - in regards to getting any form of good sleep).
We all are having a great time and Kayden is doing great. He's interested in Bryce and wants to carry him. Holding doesn't suffice. He kisses him when he goes somewhere and fulfills his brotherly duty by always telling him to "be a good boy" as a reminder. I don't think there's much trouble Bryce can get in to now, but maybe this will be a great piece of advice he'll remember as he grows older. Who knows?
Pics to follow...I'm just a slacker.